Integrity Policy.

What data do we store and for how long

The data that is stored with us are the fields that each submission form contains. We save the data for as long as is necessary with regard to the purposes of the processing. We base all collection of personal data on consent.

The purpose of the collection

We collect data to make contact, establish and/or maintain a business relationship.

Access, change or delete the stored information

You have the right to receive information about which personal data we have stored about you up to once a year. To do this, contact our data controller. You also have the right to request correction or deletion of your personal data at any time.


You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data at any time by contacting our data controller. If you believe that we have handled your personal data in a way that is not compatible with our stated directives, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority.

Contact information for personal data representative & personal data manager

Name: Andreas Eriksson (CEO)



TAGGR AB (personal data controller)

Organization number: 559263-1641

Birger Jarlsgatan 34

114 29 Stockholm

Contact us